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L’Arrestation d’Arsène Lupin / The Arrest of Arsène Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

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Artikelnummer: EF1 Kategorie: Schlagwörter: ,
Seitenanzahl: 100
Buchformat: 14,5 x 21,0 cm

Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created by French writer Maurice Leblanc. The character was first introduced in a series of short stories.
„Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur“ („Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar“) is the first collection of stories recounting the adventures of Arsène Lupin. „L’Arrestation d’Arsène Lupin“ („The Arrest of Arsène Lupin“) is the first story in this collection.
Unabridged original text. Bilingual book French-English.

Reading Sample (PDF)

L’Arrestation d’Arsène Lupin (the Arrest of Arsène Lupin; arrêter to stop; to arrest)

L’étrange voyage (the strange voyage; voyagem trip; voyage)! Il avait si bien commencé cependant (it had nonetheless started so well; cependant yet; however; nonetheless)! Pour ma part (for my part), je n’en fis jamais (I had never embarked on one: "I never did one of them") qui s’annonçât sous de plus heureux auspices (which began: "which announced itself" under such lucky auspices; ça s’annonce bien it looks good; it bodes well; heureux happy; lucky). La Provence est un transatlantique rapide, confortable (the Provence was a fast, comfortable transatlantic steamer; transatlantique transatlantic /adj/; transatlantiquem transatlantic steamer/steamship), commandé par le plus affable des hommes (commanded by the most affable of men). La société la plus choisie (the choicest society; choisir to choose) s’y trouvait réunie (came together there: "found itself there reunited"; trouver to find; se trouver quelquepart to be somewhere; find oneself somewhere; réunir to collect; to come together).

L’étrange voyage! Il avait si bien commencé cependant! Pour ma part, je n’en fis jamais qui s’annonçât sous de plus heureux auspices. La Provence est un transatlantique rapide, confortable, commandé par le plus affable des hommes. La société la plus choisie s’y trouvait réunie.

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