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The Speckled Band / Das gefleckte Band

Arthur Conan Doyle

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SKU: DE41 Category: Tags: , ,
Seitenanzahl: 164
Buchformat: 14,5 x 21,0 cm

„The Speckled Band“ („Das gefleckte Band“) ist die achte Sherlock-Holmes-Kurzgeschichte aus dem Sammelband “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Ungekürzter Originaltext. Zweisprachiges Buch Englisch-Deutsch.

On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases (beim Überfliegen meiner Notizen der etwa siebzig Fälle; to glance [glɑːn(t)s] einen schnellen Blick werfen; flüchtig anblicken; case [keɪs]) in which I have during the last eight years (in denen ich während der letzten acht Jahre) studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes (die Methoden meines Freundes Sherlock Holmes studiert habe), I find many tragic (finde ich viele tragisch; tragic [‚træʤɪk((ə)l)]), some comic (manche komisch), a large number merely strange (eine große Zahl nur merkwürdig; merely [‚mɪəlɪ]), but none commonplace (aber keine gewöhnlich; commonplace [‚kɔmənpleɪs]; common häufig; geläufig; place Platz; Ort); for, working as he did rather for the love of his art (denn, so wie er es tat, eher aus Liebe zu seiner Kunst zu arbeiten; rather [‚rɑːðə]) than for the acquirement of wealth (als für die Anhäufung von Wohlstand; acquirement [ə‘kwaɪəmənt]; wealth [welθ]), he refused to associate himself with any investigation (weigerte er sich, sich irgendeiner Untersuchung anzuschließen; refuse [rɪ‘fjuːz]; associate [ə‘səusɪeɪt]; investigation [ɪnˌvestɪ‘geɪʃ(ə)n]) which did not tend towards the unusual (die nicht zum Ungewöhnlichen neigte; towards [tə‘wɔːdz]; unusual [ʌn‘juːʒ(ə)l]), and even the fantastic (oder sogar zum Fantastischen; fantastic [fæn‘tæstɪk]).

On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes, I find many tragic, some comic, a large number merely strange, but none commonplace; for, working as he did rather for the love of his art than for the acquirement of wealth, he refused to associate himself with any investigation which did not tend towards the unusual, and even the fantastic.


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